Kofelgschroa. Frei. Sein. Wollen.

Genre: Documentary film / Trailer
Jaar: 2014
Speelduur: 02:36 min
Beschrijving: Documentary on the Bavarian band "Kofelgschroa". Over the course of six years, the filmmakers have accompanied the four musicians during their creative soul-searching – which happens to be charmingly unpretentious, for the band members see themselves as regular guys from the countryside who just want to make their particular brand of music. The latter is a wild crossover of traditional Bavarian folklore and subcultural sounds which garnered the band critical success and a cult following.
Provider: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rechten: In Copyright / Movienet Film GmbH (München)
Director: Barbara Weber
Type document :
Language: de